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Lucky-Dog is my sister's Fur-Baby.  Oct 11, 2010 - Jan 8, 2016
He is a mix of Golden Retriever (body & face), Chow Chow (spotted tongue),
Corgi (short legs), & ???? (that tail)
She adopted him from a rescue organization.  He brought much joy!

Lucky Dog came to live with my sister in April, 2005. He left her side on January 8, 2016.
Reportedly he was 4 years old when she adopted him.  She celebrates his birthday as 10-11-01

"Lucky was one of a kind, short little corgi legs, big golden retriever body and a thick coat of chow hair. For reasons I will never comprehend but am thankful for, he was left at a shelter at about age 3 and a half. From the photo on pet finders.com, I was expecting a small corgi size dog, instead, he was about 50 pounds of love and energy. When I met him, he was with a foster family and he came bounding out and sat on my feet. I knew he had chosen me and despite not being prepared that day to take him home, I did. Instantly, we fit perfectly into each other's lives. He was loving, independent, projective, sweet, gentle, talkative, happy and loved exploring his park. The nearly 12 years we had together were filled with adventures that I will always cherish. Letting him go was the hardest thing I have ever done and I am so grateful to Dr. Kelly Knoll and Caring Pathways for making the end of my time with him as beautiful, loving and gentle as it possibly could have been. He is a part of my heart and I know I was the lucky one."  - Renae, Lucky's Mom  

Posted on www.caringpathways.com/pet-tributes.html


In the way we used to be;
We are still connected by a
Cord no eye can see.
So whenever you need to find me
We're never far apart
If you look beyond the horizon
And listen with your heart.    - Author Unknown

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Joy Blooms . . . with Fur-Babies!

Favorite Pictures of:  Billy Bob Beagle        Betty Sue Beagle        Bob the Beagle         Cousin Lucky Dog                         

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